LOCATION: Naples, Piazza Mercato
ADDRESS: Piazza Mercato
Opening hours: open air in the square
Info: https://www.comune.napoli.it/home
The Keys of Unity di Milot project – in collaboration with JeanWolfe from Los Angeles – was launched to great fanfare in Naples, the first stop on its tour. Milot’s desire is to give a message of hope in such a difficult and divisive moment, aiming to reawaken the collective thought of a society that has recently lost its way.
He wants this to be a universal “cry” of mutual respect between people, so that they can live in peace with each other and there are no more closed and distant places. It is in here, in Naples, literally and metaphorically, that the key is found. A monumental and impressive structure, made of corten steel, Key of Today is sculpture is ten meters high and twenty metres wide.